for those who dream of a more vibrant and fulfilling life



Stressed Out?


Or none of the above and you just want to spruce up your space? I’ve got you!

What if…

that chair in your bedroom could be used for sitting rather than yet another surface to throw clothes?

instead of feeling embarrassed when someone sees into your home, you felt proud?

✷ you didn’t have to clear a path each time you need something from your garage?

Let me help you simplify your home so you can relax and have more time to focus on what truly brings you joy!

Professional Home Organizer Smiling Joyfully


As someone who thinks reorganizing the pantry sounds like a fun Friday night, I believe in a light-hearted experience full of music, laughter, and optimism.

You can minimize the stress and overwhelm of your home, from intentional decluttering to intuitive, sustainable systems. Let me show you that it’s possible.

Central Oregon Professional Organizer Headshot on Couch with Disco Balls

Hi, I’m Madeline!

Central Oregon professional organizer serving folks who dream of a simple, sustainable, and stunning home.

I help overwhelmed people cut the clutter and create a home and life they love.


Simple black icon of a home

If you’ve tried getting organized yourself but those bins and baskets only end up adding to the clutter and collecting dust in the corner… You need the focused approach a professional brings! I’ll be your home transformation champion - with the knowledge and creativity to tackle any space. I’ll keep our project progressing and our perspective positive. Together we’ll get your clutter under control so you can spend more time doing what you love.

In-Home Decluttering and Organizing

Simple black icon of a moving box

If you've ever moved, you’ll agree the last thing you want to do is unpack. Often a few mislabeled, hastily packed, moving boxes taunt you from the corner, crowding your living space for days/weeks… This is normal and understandable! Moving is draining. Let me ease the transition so you can start enjoying your new space sooner AND have things put away in logical places rather than being shoved "anywhere it fits!"

In-Home Move Support (Unpacking)

Simple black icon of a checklist or plan

If you just can’t figure out where to begin, or if the overwhelm is clouding your creativity, you need a step-by-step plan that is MADE for your unique situation (hello odd-shaped pantry, I am talking to you!). After chatting about your vision for the space, strategizing solutions, and discussing aesthetic preferences, I'll create a personalized guide that you can follow at your own pace. Then, when you need extra support, book a 2nd call to pick my brain.

Virtual DIY Organizing Plan


    Growing up, my uncle would always say to follow the KISS principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid. In an age where we are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli, I believe in creating simple but effective organization systems. And honestly? This usually means beginning with decluttering.

    Less stuff = more life. It’s that simple.


    Sustainable (adj.): able to be maintained. I want this for your home and for our planet! By helping you create simple and intuitive organization systems, my hope is that maintaining your home is a breeze. And along the way I’ll sprinkle in the value of prioritizing sustainability for our planet AND for the longevity or your clutter-free home.

    More mindful purchasing! Less unnecessary stuff! More time for what you love!


    A clean and beautiful home means different things to different people. What I can promise you is that together we will create a more orderly home that you can feel proud of. I love to achieve this by reducing visual clutter, leveraging hidden storage, and keeping horizontal surfaces clear.

    Who doesn’t want a stunning home?

Bright, organized, and clutter-free  kitchen
Tasteful bookshelf with live plants on a sophisticated mauve wall
Colorful and aesthetic shelf and wall decor

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Bend Based Professional Home Organizer Leaning on Couch Working on Laptop